Submitted by: Erickson Dow
Everywhere you turn these days, you see information on the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning, and natural gas poisoning, but there is another dangerous gas compound that can be found in literally thousands of products, because it is so inexpensive to use. This chemical is called formaldehyde. After investigating extensively, it actually revealed more products that have parts of this unsafe substance. We threw away plenty of things that we had in the house after we found out that most of them contained formaldehyde and how risky it was to have them.
Make-up is one product that can bare your skin to formaldehyde. When you are getting dressed, the formaldehyde in your clothes could be released as you touch them. Formaldehyde may also be present in your shampoo. The existence of formaldehyde may also be sensed in documents, wood, building materials, furniture and furnishings, compost, insulations, dyes, several medications, home products and embalming solution. Burning fuel such as gasoline or diesel also produces formaldehyde as well as burning natural gases, wood or tobacco. Formaldehyde comprise one third of its overall utilization, with its chief application in products made of wood, such as particleboards and fiberboards. Newly-produced goods release large amounts of formaldehyde into the air but slowly reduces through time.
Formaldehyde is a known colorless cancer causing gas compound and causes a number of health issues including dizziness, nausea, chronic fatigue, rashes, and hives. Breathing complications, hearts pounding, ear ailments, amnesia, insomnia, sad disposition, throbbing joints and muscle, concentration loss, serious headaches and decreasing health condition are among its severe outcomes. The most severe of it all is acquiring cancer.
Surviving for a century, formaldehyde has grown huge in the industry. In 1998, in America, the production of formaldehyde was 11.3 billion pounds and in 2004, soared to a whopping 46 billion pounds and is on the increase. Since formaldehyde was a very big contributor to the commercial trade, prohibitions in including it in products bought by end users were very less likely. Regulations in Minnesota in 1985, however, required that vending selected construction materials with urea formaldehyde should be fixed with a caution label.
Lately, a black leather bag that we purchased reeked with formaldehyde (strong smell similar to a pickle), therefore we disposed of it. The best way to protect yourself from formaldehyde exposure is to get rid of anything that you suspect might be contaminated. And – never have anything with exposed particleboard in your sleeping area. Other ways to avoid formaldehyde’s toxic effects are to minimize having things that have it, placing alarm systems that detect it, and maintaining your ventilation systems. Formaldehyde alarm systems can sense the harmful gas from building and combusting materials especially in moving or pre-made houses.
Be safe. Think sharp and be reasonable. Take the required precautionary actions in your home to ensure the safety of the whole family.
Would you like to be safe from undesirable gases in the home? Invest in a formaldehyde gas monitor at www.freeshippinginternet.com and also have them sent to your residence at no cost. By using a formaldehyde gas monitor, you will never have to be worrying anymore.
About the Author: Would you like to be safe from undesirable gases in the home? Invest in a formaldehyde gas monitor at
and also have them sent to your residence at no cost. By using a formaldehyde gas monitor, you will never have to be worrying anymore.
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